dahtah / eyelinker

R package for reading Eyelink eye tracking data
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error message for remote mode #5

Open slegelmk opened 7 years ago

slegelmk commented 7 years ago

Hi, there is an error message that i receive when trying to open any of my .asc converted .edf file. Unfortunately, except for a bit of experience with R, i'm not into programing, and do not find a solution of this issue. The message is:

Warnung: 23 parsing failures. row col expected actual 3012 -- 9 columns 10 columns 3013 -- 9 columns 10 columns 3014 -- 9 columns 10 columns 3015 -- 9 columns 10 columns 3016 -- 9 columns 10 columns .... ... ......... .......... See problems(...) for more details.

Called from: tsv2df(raw) Browse[1]> Q

One example of my files is this: kp03.asc.zip

Thank you, Karola

dahtah commented 7 years ago

Hi Karola, could you please help me figure out what the raw data in your file correspond to? I have lines like: 2361386 1924.3 557.2 247.0 127.0 ... 4583.0 6891.0 575.3 ............. which don't match the format I expect from the Eyelink manual. What are the different columns, as far as you know?

slegelmk commented 7 years ago
  1. Hi Simon, thank you for dealing with my question!

unfortunately in the moment i don’t find a full answer, just partially. The line you quote from my data consists supposedly of the following:

This part is the time sample plus monocular gaze coordinates x and y "2361386 1924.3 557.2"

What i don’t understand now is that there are only 2 additional numbers, which should be pupil size , but either 2 more or none for velocity (?) I’ll try to find out more about that.

"247.0 127.0"

The 3 dots for CR warnings "..."

The rest of the line is described below in the manual, if i see it right? Target in camera coordinates indicate the target sticker for remote mode.

"4583.0 6891.0 575.3 ............." are

The next thirteen fields represent warning messages for that sample relating to the target and eye image processing. "............." if no warning for target and eye image. If the first character is "M", target is missing. second character is "A" if extreme target angle occurs third character is "N" if target is near eye so that the target window and eye window overlap fourth character is "C" if target is too close and so on.
dahtah commented 7 years ago

It's also those two "247.0 127.0" I can't figure out. I can change the software so that it returns the raw data with a warning that says "I don't know what those columns are", but it'd be better if we knew.

slegelmk commented 7 years ago

Around the calibrations in the outputs, i find this message: "INPUT 4767834 127". It could refer to a keyboard press or another signal related to camera setup etc. The sample columns always repeat the "127.0".

I would suggest that in my .asc file, the other columns are the usual

(updated 5. April):

When the option "input ..to output" is unchecked in the preferences of edf2asc, the column with the "127" disappears!

dahtah commented 7 years ago

I've updated the software so that it loads your data, but it gives up on collating the raw data and returns a list of data.frames as best it can. Can you please have a try?


slegelmk commented 7 years ago

Hi Simon, thank you very much for the help. Unfortunately it might take some time for me as a non-programmer to understand how i can run your preliminary changed script. Meanwhile i also reconverted the edf files without the extra column, so that they can be read with eyelinker. When i'm a bit more acquainted with the possible procedures i'll try out your new script again.