dahtah / eyelinker

R package for reading Eyelink eye tracking data
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Messages before start recording ignored #8

Open analita opened 6 years ago

analita commented 6 years ago

Hello, First, thank you for the package! I have an issue with the messages that I'm hoping you can help me with. When I create the msg data frame (with msg = x$msg), some of the messages are ignored and don't appear in it. I realized that those messages are sent at the beginning of each trial but before recording starts. Is there a way to make it take those messages too? I need them because they contain much of the information on the trials (condition, item, etc). Thank you in advance! Analí

a-hurst commented 4 years ago

HI @analita, on the off-chance this is still relevant to you, the latest version of eyelinker on CRAN (0.2.0) now has a parse_all option for read.asc() that lets you import messages and events outside of the normal START/END blocks in the file.