dahtah / imager

R package for image processing
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
187 stars 43 forks source link

Listed as orphaned #110

Open Ax3man opened 4 years ago

Ax3man commented 4 years ago

This package is listed as orphaned on CRAN. Is this in error, or is the package no longer maintained?

asgr commented 4 years ago

Seems like it is now generating a lot of warnings on the latest CRAN builds (C++11 now?) So unless they get fixed it is likely to be removed from CRAN soon, which would be a bit sad.

dahtah commented 4 years ago

imager got listed as orphaned due to me not fixing a (spurious) issue in time. I've been meaning to do something about it for a while but I don't have much time for software development and mostly use Julia these days. If someone wants to take over maintainership I'd be happy to pass the baton.

ShotaOchi commented 4 years ago

What is the issue to fix? I know CRAN team's environment is strange and the environment causes errors that are hard to reproduce.

Ax3man commented 4 years ago

You can see the problems here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_imager.html.

dahtah commented 4 years ago

Here's a list of things that need doing:

Ax3man commented 4 years ago

Maybe @tylermorganwall is interested? His rayshader package imports imager. I'd be willing, but I have zero experience with Rcpp or C++.

ShotaOchi commented 4 years ago

@dahtah Can I take over the maintainership of imager?

The header files were updated and warnings and notes that block acception by CRAN were fixed. Still, we have two problems. First, we can't reproduce the problem "Vignettes are supposed to be self-contained". Second, we don't know whether we still have to verify that the new mechanism which is supposed to detect that X11 is missing on MacOS actually works.

We don't know how we should deal with the problems. That's why it's time to ask CRAN team whether imager is acceptable. However, dahtah doesn't have enough time for it. So, I'd like to contact with CRAN team instead of dahtah if dahtah is okay with it.

dahtah commented 4 years ago

Shota, if you have the time, I'm more than happy to nominate you the new maintainer of imager. Thanks for volunteering, and thanks for the work you've done so far!

ShotaOchi commented 4 years ago

I have the time to maintain imager and it has been my pleasure to work for imager.

How about transferring imager repository?

Is removing "cre" role from Simon Barthelme okay? R CMD check --as-cran shows NOTE when two guys are maintainers. I will modify DESCRIPTION file as shown below if dahtah is okay with it.

Version: 0.42.0 Date: 2019-12-02 Author: Simon Barthelme [aut], David Tschumperle [ctb], Jan Wijffels [ctb], Haz Edine Assemlal [ctb], Shota Ochi [cre] Authors@R: c(person("Simon","Barthelme",email="simon.barthelme@gipsa-lab.fr",role=c("aut")), person("David","Tschumperle",role=c("ctb")), person("Jan","Wijffels",role=c("ctb")), person("Haz Edine","Assemlal",role=c("ctb")), person("Shota", "Ochi", email="shotaochi1990@gmail.com",role=c("cre"))) Maintainer: Shota Ochi shotaochi1990@gmail.com

dahtah commented 4 years ago

That looks great. I don't know how to transfer the git repository, is there a procedure for that? Do you want to have administrator rights on this one?

ShotaOchi commented 4 years ago

I didn't mean that I wanted to have administrator rights on this one. I thought dahtah didn't have time to deal with pull requests and I took over the job that dealt with pull requests because the pull request #116 has not been merged. If dahtah has time to deal with pull requests, dahtah need not transfer imager repository.

Can I submit imager 0.42.0 to CRAN to ask CRAN team whether imager is acceptable? imager 0.42.0 is made by merging the master branch and cimg_update_5 branch and then modifying DESCRIPTION file as shown above. You can see imager 0.42.0 in https://github.com/ShotaOchi/imager/tree/imager_0-42. If dahtah will transfer imager repository, submission of imager 0.42.0 should be done after transferring imager repository and rewriting the URLs.

Bisaloo commented 4 years ago

I don't know how to transfer the git repository, is there a procedure for that?

If that helps: https://help.github.com/en/github/administering-a-repository/transferring-a-repository#transferring-a-repository-owned-by-your-user-account

asgr commented 4 years ago

I just got an email from Brian saying imager will imminently be removed from CRAN unless an update is posted. Is there still a plan to re-submit a new CRAN check passing version?

dahtah commented 4 years ago

OK, thanks for letting me know, I'll try to wrap this up this week