dahu / LearnVim

A Suggested Path for Learning Vim
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E426: tag not found #9

Open stevepm opened 9 years ago

stevepm commented 9 years ago

Hi, on most of the underlined help files, especially in the first section, I receive the following error:

E426: tag not found: help.txt <- help.txt being an example of the one of the files that it cannot find.

dahu commented 8 years ago

I don't see this error. Let me know if this is still current.

dove-young commented 6 years ago

I am using neovim in macOS Sierra. I got :helptags ~/.vim/doc works and tag file created. But :help learnvim failed with E149 error.

10115 + 21:18:42 + ~/.vim/doc
 ->  ls -l
total 184
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dove  staff  85665  9 27 21:13 learnvim.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 dove  staff   4606  9 27 21:16 tags
 head tags
learnvim    learnvim.txt    /*learnvim*
learnvim-Additional-Plugins learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Additional-Plugins*
learnvim-Advanced   learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Advanced*
learnvim-Beginner   learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Beginner*
learnvim-Configuring-Vim    learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Configuring-Vim*
learnvim-Credits    learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Credits*
learnvim-External-Resources learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-External-Resources*
learnvim-Fundamental-Concepts   learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Fundamental-Concepts*
learnvim-Intermediate   learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Intermediate*
learnvim-Macros learnvim.txt    /*learnvim-Macros*
dahu commented 6 years ago

Hmm... I don't use neovim or macos.

Vim searches the doc directories in your runtimepath - make sure ~/.vim/ is in your runtimepath

You could try: helpgrep learnvim to see if Vim finds it that way.

And finally, you could manually open the file. It has modeline settings that set the filetype to help enabling all of the normal help navigation keys required within the file.

If all that fails, I am sure the good folks at the freenode IRC channel, #vim will be able to solve your problem. Good luck.

jayrat commented 3 years ago

This might help someone in the future. I had this same problem with NeoVim. Looked at my runtimepath and seen that it was using .config/nvim instead of .vim. Moved the doc folder into ~/.config/nvim and then the steps to make the helptags and use them worked.