dai-shi / use-context-selector

React useContextSelector hook in userland
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Don't work with react 18.2 #109

Closed liknenS closed 4 months ago

liknenS commented 10 months ago

Components used useContextSelector with return save value always rerenders.

Example https://codesandbox.io/s/musing-poincare-hz2g6g?file=/src/App.js

dai-shi commented 10 months ago

That's the intended behavior by design. Wrapping with useEffect should show more intuitive result: https://codesandbox.io/s/interesting-mccarthy-m8vzyl?file=/src/App.js

liknenS commented 10 months ago

I have more than 1000 components with useContextSeletor. Any changes in context value trigger call render function of all components.

Even if it doesn't cause effects and update the DOM(only call render function), it takes a lot of computing resources.

I change example and add Redux example: https://codesandbox.io/s/muddy-bush-ndqqwg?file=/src/App.js With 10 components i has next stats:

aRender: 100
aEffect: 21
aChange: 2

bRender: 22
bEffect: 21
bChange: 2

100 components:

aRender: 800
aEffect: 201
aChange: 1

bRender: 202
bEffect: 201
bChange: 1
liknenS commented 10 months ago

one more example - symetric updates states + calc render time, 1000 nodes: https://codesandbox.io/s/muddy-bush-ndqqwg?file=/src/App.js


change: 100

aRender: 206000
aEffect: 2200
aTime: 321.1000003814697

bRender: 2400
bEffect: 2200
bTime: 11.500000953674316
dai-shi commented 10 months ago

Even if it doesn't cause effects and update the DOM(only call render function), it takes a lot of computing resources.

One workaround is to useMemo.

Another would be to use subscription based state management such as Redux / Zustand / ...

You can also implement a simplified useContextSelector without concurrency support pretty easily.

Seel also #100

dai-shi commented 10 months ago
import {
  createContext as createContextOrig,
  useContext as useContextOrig,
} from 'react';

export const createContext = (defaultValue) => {
  const context = createContextOrig();
  const ProviderOrig = context.Provider;
  context.Provider = ({ value, children }) => {
    const storeRef = useRef();
    let store = storeRef.current;
    if (!store) {
      const listeners = new Set();
      store = {
        subscribe: (l) => { listeners.add(l); return () => listeners.delete(l); },
        notify: () => listeners.forEach((l) => l()),
      storeRef.current = store;
    useEffect(() => {
      if (!Object.is(store.value, value)) {
        store.value = value;
    return <ProviderOrig value={store}>{children}</ProviderOrig>
  return context;

export const useContextSelector = (context, selector) => {
  const store = useContextOrig(context);
  return useSyncExternalStore(
    () => selector(store.value),
Jayatubi commented 9 months ago
import {
  createContext as createContextOrig,
  useContext as useContextOrig,
} from 'react';

export const createContext = (defaultValue) => {
  const context = createContextOrig();
  const ProviderOrig = context.Provider;
  context.Provider = ({ value, children }) => {
    const storeRef = useRef();
    let store = storeRef.current;
    if (!store) {
      const listeners = new Set();
      store = {
        subscribe: (l) => { listeners.add(l); return () => listeners.delete(l); },
        notify: () => listeners.forEach((l) => l()),
      storeRef.current = store;
    useEffect(() => {
      if (!Object.is(store.value, value)) {
        store.value = value;
    return <ProviderOrig value={store}>{children}</ProviderOrig>
  return context;

export const useContextSelector = (context, selector) => {
  const store = useContextOrig(context);
  return useSyncExternalStore(
    () => selector(store.value),

This works in React 18.2 and even works with useImmer.

dai-shi commented 9 months ago

Great to hear that, because I haven't tried it. 😁

Jayatubi commented 9 months ago

However, useContextSelector could only return a single result. I was tring to get multiple entries such as const { a, b } = useContextSelector(context, (root)=>({a: root.a, b: root.b})) but it cause useSyncExternalStore enter an infinity loop.

Jayatubi commented 9 months ago

I tried to add a cache with shallowEqual, from redux, to workaround but I'm not sure if that is ok. I'm not familiar to React.

export function useContextSelector<T, Selected>(
  context: React.Context<ContextStore<T>>,
  selector: (value: T) => Selected,
) {
  const store = useContext(context);
  let cache: any;
  return useSyncExternalStore(store.subscribe, () => {
    const value = selector(store.value);
    if (!shallowEqual(cache, value)) {
      cache = value;
    return cache;
dai-shi commented 9 months ago

Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/use-sync-external-store instead and pass shallowEqual.