dai-shi / waku

⛩️ The minimal React framework
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Example: waku with yarn pnp #669

Closed bysxx closed 3 weeks ago

bysxx commented 3 weeks ago

This example is an example of adding yarn's zero installation to the waku framework, which is directly used by the company you work with in this same structure, and made PR to share.

(+Currently trying to connect with mongodb and willing to share this as well if needed.)

vercel[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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1 Ignored Deployment | Name | Status | Preview | Updated (UTC) | | :--- | :----- | :------ | :------ | | **waku** | ⬜️ Ignored ([Inspect](https://vercel.com/daishis-projects/waku/47xuhBhhJqj68CTxkPghWkqydnQj)) | [Visit Preview](https://waku-git-fork-bysxx-main-daishis-projects.vercel.app) | Apr 25, 2024 10:39am |
codesandbox-ci[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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dai-shi commented 3 weeks ago

Great that you try it! Is it working okay? That's nice.

Unfortunately, we can't add various examples in this repo. There are too many for now, and I want to reduce them.

But, your example looks nice. Can you create a separate repo so that we can link to it? My plan is to created ./docs/other-examples.md or ./docs/community-work.md or something like that to organize links.

bysxx commented 3 weeks ago

Great that you try it! Is it working okay? That's nice.

Unfortunately, we can't add various examples in this repo. There are too many for now, and I want to reduce them.

But, your example looks nice. Can you create a separate repo so that we can link to it? My plan is to created ./docs/other-examples.md or ./docs/community-work.md or something like that to organize links.

I want to be a contributor to this repository(I love the philosophy of this framework), can I create a PR by creating a link in the path you said?

dai-shi commented 3 weeks ago

I want to be a contributor to this repository(I love the philosophy of this framework), can I create a PR by creating a link in the path you said?

Sure. Let's make it ./docs/community/examples.mdx for now.