Closed Vinayaks439 closed 3 years ago
image: fluent/fluentd:v1.12.0-debian-1.0 fluent-plugin-gcs version: "fluent-plugin-gcs", "0.4.0" Platform: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Node Version: v1.17.14-gke.1600
"fluent-plugin-gcs", "0.4.0"
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Description: I'm running fluentd to ship logs to gcs bucket using the above mentioned image and plugin, but the issue that I'm facing is that the logs are not being shipped to my gcs bucket. And there are no exceptions in the logs of the pod either.
Config Map:
apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: fluentd-config namespace: loki-grafana data: fluent.conf: |- @include pods-fluent.conf @include loki-fluent.conf @include gcs-fluent.conf pods-fluent.conf: |- <source> @type tail read_from_head true tag kubernetes.* path /var/log/containers/*.log pos_file /var/log/fluentd-containers.log.pos exclude_path /var/log/containers/fluentd* path_key filename <parse> @type json time_type string </parse> </source> #########OPTIONAL################ ######## IF you un-comment this you will get kuberenetes_meta data metrics in your logs######### # <filter kubernetes.**> # @type kubernetes_metadata # @id filter_kube_metadata # kubernetes_url "#{ENV['FLUENT_FILTER_KUBERNETES_URL'] || 'https://' + ENV.fetch('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST') + ':' + ENV.fetch('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT') + '/api'}" # verify_ssl "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_VERIFY_SSL'] || true}" # ca_file "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_CA_FILE']}" # skip_labels "#{ENV['FLUENT_KUBERNETES_METADATA_SKIP_LABELS'] || 'false'}" # skip_container_metadata "#{ENV['FLUENT_KUBERNETES_METADATA_SKIP_CONTAINER_METADATA'] || 'false'}" # skip_master_url "#{ENV['FLUENT_KUBERNETES_METADATA_SKIP_MASTER_URL'] || 'false'}" # skip_namespace_metadata "#{ENV['FLUENT_KUBERNETES_METADATA_SKIP_NAMESPACE_METADATA'] || 'false'}" #</filter> loki-fluent.conf: |- <match **> @type loki #### url of loki can be your loki-service inside the cluster or an external endpoint############# url "http://loki:3100" extra_labels {"env":"prod"} <label> filename </label> label_keys "app,job,namespace,pod" extract_kubernetes_labels true flush_interval 10s flush_at_shutdown true buffer_chuck_limit 1m </match> gcs-fluent.conf: |- <match **> @type gcs project <your-gcp-project> keyfile "#{ENV['GCP_CRED']}" bucket <BUCKET_NAME> object_key_format %{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}.%{file_extension} path logs/${tag}/%Y/%m/%d/ <buffer tag,time> @type file path /var/log/fluent/gcs timekey 1h timekey_wait 10min timekey_use_utc true flush_at_shutdown true </buffer> </match>
Daemon Set file:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: fluentd namespace: loki-grafana labels: app: fluentd-logging version: v1 "true" spec: selector: matchLabels: name: fluentd-logging version: v1 "true" template: metadata: labels: name: fluentd-logging version: v1 "true" spec: serviceAccount: fluentd serviceAccountName: fluentd tolerations: - key: effect: NoSchedule containers: - name: fluentd image: <your-image> command: - /bin/sh - '-c' - > fluent-gem i fluent-plugin-grafana-loki-licence-fix ; tini /fluentd/; volumeMounts: - name: varlog mountPath: /var/log - name: varlibdockercontainers mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers readOnly: true - name: config mountPath: /fluentd/etc - name: google-cloud-key mountPath: /var/secrets/google env: - name: GCP_CRED value: /var/secrets/google/creds.json terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 volumes: - name: varlog hostPath: path: /var/log - name: varlibdockercontainers hostPath: path: /var/lib/docker/containers - name: config configMap: name: fluentd-config - name: google-cloud-key secret: secretName: fluentd-secret
Also seems like its not an auth issue as I was able to download a file from that bucket into my pod after install gcloud inside the pod.
I should have been using copy function to ship it both gcs and loki at the same time.
fluent-plugin-gcs version:"fluent-plugin-gcs", "0.4.0"
Platform:Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Node Version:v1.17.14-gke.1600
Description: I'm running fluentd to ship logs to gcs bucket using the above mentioned image and plugin, but the issue that I'm facing is that the logs are not being shipped to my gcs bucket. And there are no exceptions in the logs of the pod either.
Config Map:
Daemon Set file:
Also seems like its not an auth issue as I was able to download a file from that bucket into my pod after install gcloud inside the pod.