daid / LegacyCura

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Requesting a "Creat G code" button #1014

Closed Lyonidaspay closed 9 years ago

Lyonidaspay commented 9 years ago

Dear Daid.

1) I 'm always having problems with the auto calculation option that would calculate the path in every single change in the options like infill, layer height, ,,,,

I would like to have a button to do that, and not auto calculation ,

If possible :-)

2 ) I have a heated bed and when using it with 80 ° my prints are awesome, but in the beginning the nozzle leaks a lot , because the extruder reaches 220 ° long before the bed, so It starts leaking and then when it autolevels, the amount of PLA sticks on the nozzle and burns, ( it puts some black burned plastic on the printed part ) Also at the end of the print the nozzle keeps leaking witch empty the nozzle and it the next print I have some hot air coming from it , and I loose the 5th first lines of the brim, Sometimes I even get some drops of liquid plastic. so I had to change the Start and End G-Code with that


M190 S80 ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line M109 S190 ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G1 X40 Y40 F9000 M104 S220 M117 Homing Z axis G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops M117 Cleaning nozzel G1 Z20.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 20mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length M117 Extruding 25 G1 F200 E25 ;extrude 15mm of feed stock G1 F200 E-1 ;Cut the filament M117 More cleaning G1 X60 Y20 E20 F2000 G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F{travel_speed} ;Put printing message on LCD screen M117 Printing ....


M104 S100 M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it) M117 Cooling the extruder M106 S255 ;Cooling the extr G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-2 F{travel_speed} ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, ;to release some of the pressure G1 Z+0.5 E-15 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way M117 Cooling nozzel to 100° M109 R100 ;Wait for ext heater to cooldown M117 Cooling nozzel to 100° M104 S0 M107 ;Turn off the fan again M84 ;steppers off G90 ;absolute positioning ;{profile_string}

And I don't get that issue any more .

But the problem is that I don't get the messages on the LCD screen, I only get the Homing Z axis and then Printing ...

Can you help me with that !

Sorry if the message is too long, I really hope that you read it ! !

Thank you

nallath commented 9 years ago

You can change the start-end g-code by yourself. Putting the heated bed at 80 degrees for PLA is far to hot btw.

The auto calculate will not be removed.

Lyonidaspay commented 9 years ago

thank you !