Closed N0FreeLunch closed 6 months ago
Thanks for the feedback!
Could you point me to the links of the official names?
If it's changed in D2R, I'm happy to accept a PR.
Thanks for your reply.
The skill names in Diablo resurrected data's skills.txt file are still the same. However, these are not the names that are displayed in the game. It seems that it is necessary to use the names that are displayed in the game.
I found a file that displays skill names within the d2 game data. You can check it in the data/data/local/strings/skills.json file. It seems better to change the skill names in the skills.txt file to the names displayed in the skills.json file instead of the names in the skills.txt file.
Could you share screenshots of the skill names (better in English, SimplifiedChinese and Traditional Chinese) in the game?
I can't verify it myself. Thanks!
The names of each skill can be found in the skills.json file.
"id": 22042,
"Key": "Skillname223",
"enUS": "Poison Creeper",
"zhTW": "劇毒藤蔓",
"deDE": "Giftkriecher",
"esES": "Enredadera venenosa",
"frFR": "Lierre empoisonné",
"itIT": "Rampicante Velenoso",
"koKR": "맹독 덩굴",
"plPL": "Trujący Pełzacz",
"esMX": "Liana venenosa",
"jaJP": "有毒なる蔦",
"ptBR": "Trepadeira Venenosa",
"ruRU": "Ядовитая лоза",
"zhCN": "毒花藤"
"id": 22078,
"Key": "Skillname232",
"enUS": "Carrion Vine",
"zhTW": "食屍藤蔓",
"deDE": "Aasranke",
"esES": "Liana carroñera",
"frFR": "Liane charognarde",
"itIT": "Vite Carogna",
"koKR": "청소부 덩굴",
"plPL": "Nekrorośl",
"esMX": "Liana carroñera",
"jaJP": "血に飢えた蔦",
"ptBR": "Vinha Carniceira",
"ruRU": "Трупная лоза",
"zhCN": "食尸藤"
"id": 22118,
"Key": "Skillname242",
"enUS": "Solar Creeper",
"zhTW": "太陽藤蔓",
"deDE": "Sonnenkriecher",
"esES": "Enredadera solar",
"frFR": "Lierre solaire",
"itIT": "Rampicante Solare",
"koKR": "태양의 덩굴",
"plPL": "Słoneczny Pełzacz",
"esMX": "Liana solar",
"jaJP": "魂喰らいの蔦",
"ptBR": "Trepadeira Solar",
"ruRU": "Солнечная лоза",
"zhCN": "太阳藤"
Unable to verify as the language pack is not supported for Chinese (CN). Because of the language pack for Chinese (CN) is not available in my country.
Thanks you.
Thanks for the screenshots!
I may not work on it soon. If you'd like to make the changes, the file should be language.txt.
ok, i'll try it.
Released new exe in
The editor is working great for me. Thanks for the ongoing support!
I couldn't find skill solar creeper. In this editor, The name of the solar creeper is defined vine, and the name of the carrion vine is defined cycle of life. cycle of life vine
I suggest to change skill name. vine => solar_creeper cycle of life => carrion_vine