daidodo / format-imports-vscode

Format imports and exports for JavaScript and TypeScript in VS Code.
MIT License
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satisfies operator bug #86

Closed okitan closed 1 year ago

okitan commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When I use satisfies operator intruduced in Typescript 4.9. JS/TS Import/Export Sorter removes lines I actually used.

To Reproduce

Given: a.ts

export type Hoge = {
  a: string;


export const Fuga: string = "fuga";

When: JS/TS Import/Export Sorter formater runs against c.ts.

import { Hoge } from './a';
import { Fuga } from './b';

export const schema = { a: Fuga } satisfies Hoge;

Expected behavior It should remain as is.

Actual behavior It removes import { Fuga } from './b';

OS (please complete the following information):

VS Code (please complete the following information):

daidodo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback!

The plugin uses your local typescript compiler first, or bundled one (v4.9) if not found. My guess is the local TS is too old. Could you check it?

If it's not working, I'd need your plugin logs which can be obtained following instructions in "Debug Mode" in CONTRIBUTION.md.

okitan commented 1 year ago

The plugin uses your local typescript compiler first, or bundled one (v4.9) if not found. My guess is the local TS is too old. Could you check it?

I'm using typescript@4.9.3 and also debug logs show it.

Here is the debug logs:

[2022-12-05T18:09:07.405] [INFO] default - os: {
  arch: 'arm64',
  platform: 'darwin',
  type: 'Darwin',
  release: '22.1.0',
  totalmem: 25769803776,
  freemem: 608043008,
  EOL: '\n'
[2022-12-05T18:09:07.405] [INFO] default - vscode: { version: '1.73.1' }
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.005] [INFO] vscode.resolveConfig - Resolving config for fileName: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts languageId: typescript
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.007] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadPretConfig - Loading Prettier/EditorConfig config for fileName: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.009] [DEBUG] require-module.requireUserModule - Found prettier in /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/node_modules/prettier
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.032] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadPretConfig - Prettier API version: 2.8.0
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.037] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadPretConfig - Prettier config: null
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.037] [DEBUG] format-imports.fileConfig - Loading JSON config from import-sorter.json
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.038] [DEBUG] format-imports.packageConfig - Loading package.json config for fileName: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.038] [DEBUG] format-imports.packageConfig - Found package.json in /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/package.json
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.038] [DEBUG] format-imports.packageConfig - Found package.json /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/package.json and config: undefined
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.038] [DEBUG] format-imports.enhanceEol - Determining EOL
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.039] [DEBUG] format-imports.formatSourceFromFile - Config: {
  configurationFileName: 'import-sorter.json',
  autoFormat: 'onSave',
  formatExports: true,
  exclude: [ 'node_modules' ],
  excludeGlob: [],
  sortImportsBy: 'paths',
  nodeProtocol: 'preserve',
  groupRules: [
  sortRules: { paths: [ '_', 'aA' ], names: [ '_', 'aA' ] },
  keepUnused: [],
  emptyLinesBetweenGroups: 1,
  emptyLinesAfterAllImports: 1,
  removeLastSlashInPath: false,
  removeLastIndexInPath: false,
  wrappingStyle: {
    maxBindingNamesPerLine: 0,
    maxDefaultAndBindingNamesPerLine: 2,
    maxExportNamesPerLine: 0,
    maxNamesPerWrappedLine: 1,
    ignoreComments: false
  development: { enableDebug: true },
  insertFinalNewline: 'preserve',
  eol: 'LF',
  force: false
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.039] [DEBUG] format-imports.formatSourceFromFile - Options: undefined
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.039] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadTsConfig - Loading TS config for fileName: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts from default
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.039] [DEBUG] require-module.requireUserModule - Found typescript in /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/node_modules/typescript
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.085] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadTsConfig - TypeScript API version: 4.9.3
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.085] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadESLintConfig - Loading ESLint config for fileName: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts from default
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.085] [WARN] require-module.requireModule - Cannot find eslint from path: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts and use default provided
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.085] [DEBUG] format-imports.loadESLintConfig - ESLint API version: 8.28.0
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.093] [WARN] format-imports.loadESLintConfig - Failed to load ESLint config for fileName: /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts with error: No ESLint configuration found in /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter.
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.093] [INFO] format-imports.formatSource - Formatting /Users/okita.kunio/tmp/pretter/c.ts with enhanced config: {
  configurationFileName: 'import-sorter.json',
  autoFormat: 'onSave',
  formatExports: true,
  exclude: [ 'node_modules' ],
  excludeGlob: [],
  sortImportsBy: 'paths',
  nodeProtocol: 'preserve',
  groupRules: [
  sortRules: { paths: [ '_', 'aA' ], names: [ '_', 'aA' ] },
  keepUnused: [],
  emptyLinesBetweenGroups: 1,
  emptyLinesAfterAllImports: 1,
  removeLastSlashInPath: false,
  removeLastIndexInPath: false,
  wrappingStyle: {
    maxBindingNamesPerLine: 0,
    maxDefaultAndBindingNamesPerLine: 2,
    maxExportNamesPerLine: 0,
    maxNamesPerWrappedLine: 1,
    ignoreComments: false
  development: { enableDebug: true },
  insertFinalNewline: 'preserve',
  eol: 'LF',
  force: false
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.094] [DEBUG] format-imports.formatSource - tsCompilerOptions: undefined
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.094] [DEBUG] format-imports.formatSource - ESLint config processed: undefined
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.094] [DEBUG] format-imports.formatSource - composeConfig: {
  maxLength: 80,
  wrap: {
    withoutDefault: 9007199254740991,
    withDefault: 2,
    perLine: 1,
    exported: 9007199254740991,
    parts: true,
    skipCmt: false
  groupSep: '\n\n',
  groupEnd: 2,
  tab: '  ',
  tabw: 2,
  quote: [Function (anonymous)],
  sComma: '',
  mComma: ',',
  semi: ';',
  bracket: [Function (anonymous)],
  lastNewLine: undefined,
  nl: '\n'
[2022-12-05T18:09:14.110] [INFO] vscode.formatDocument - Finished format
daidodo commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late response!

I think it's a bug in TS 4.9.3 that it thinks Fuga is unused. I updated to TS 4.9.4 and it works fine.

daidodo commented 1 year ago

Please try v7.5.3.

okitan commented 1 year ago


Thank you for the response. I updated and confirmed the fix.
