daifeng2016 / End-to-end-CD-for-VHR-satellite-image

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model hyperparameter #2

Open linhanxiao opened 5 years ago

linhanxiao commented 5 years ago

What is the model hyperparameter and the dataset?

daifeng2016 commented 5 years ago

Please read our paper carefully, they are all included.

crz1336768325 commented 4 years ago

sorry i can't download the dataset. can you provide a links like Baiduyun that i can easily download it,thanks

char1iez commented 4 years ago

sorry i can't download the dataset. can you provide a links like Baiduyun that i can easily download it,thanks

I just made a copy in Baiduyunpan and you can get it now. 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OBiEEHBY3nJd0MRq_6UYnw 密码: 9cr7

char1iez commented 4 years ago

I read the paper, nice work.
Actually I wonder how you guys pass the datasets to the model. I mean, what kind of parameters I should use in model.fix() after model.compile()? Thx

ARnnn commented 4 years ago

我看了报纸,工作很好。 实际上我想知道你们是如何将数据集传递给模型的。我的意思是,我应该在model.compile()之后的model.fix()中使用什么样的参数? 谢谢

请问你把这个代码跑通了吗 Have you run the code?

daifeng2016 commented 4 years ago

Hi,I use model.fit_generator function to process the data, which is commonly used when dealing with large training data. Please follow the example on the Internet for the usage of the model.fit_generator, it is quite easy.

ARnnn commented 4 years ago

Hi,I use model.fit_generator function to process the data, which is commonly used when dealing with large training data. Please follow the example on the Internet for the usage of the model.fit_generator, it is quite easy. How do I organize the data and then pass it in model. fit_generator

Can you upload a complete code including training and testing?

ARnnn commented 4 years ago

Hi,I use model.fit_generator function to process the data, which is commonly used when dealing with large training data. Please follow the example on the Internet for the usage of the model.fit_generator, it is quite easy.

How do I organize the data and then pass it in model. fit_generator

Yyuanzeng commented 4 years ago

Can you upload a complete code including training and testing?

Yyuanzeng commented 4 years ago

I don‘t know how to organize the data and then pass it in model. fit_generator