dail8859 / NotepadNext

A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++
GNU General Public License v3.0
8.66k stars 527 forks source link

Support larger icons and icons with text labels #560

Open bitandquit opened 1 month ago

bitandquit commented 1 month ago


First, thanks for this project, a cross-platform Notepad++ is amazing.

One feature that has always frustrated me about Notepad++ are the tiny icons and there is no option to have icons with labels. I understand this is against the modern trend of "flat, colorless UIs" but often as you flip between many different programs (common in programming or engineering) having a labeled icon makes life much much easier.

Further, supporting larger icons is very helpful as modern high-DPI displays (1440p, 4K, etc) make these tiny icons meant for 96 DPI screeens very hard to see.

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dail8859 commented 1 month ago

One feature that has always frustrated me about Notepad++ are the tiny icons and there is no option to have icons with labels.

Luckily Qt supports this easily, it is just having the application enable it. Long term this probably needs to be a setting/preference.

For fun you can enable this with a couple hoops to jump through:

You can create a css files (e.g. test.css)

.QToolButton {
    qproperty-toolButtonStyle: ToolButtonTextUnderIcon;

And then tell the application to load this as an additional style sheet:

"C:\Program Files\Notepad Next\NotepadNext.exe" --stylesheet "test.css"


Now that I'm thinking about it, it might be good to have it always check for a user defined style sheet on startup.

Further, supporting larger icons is very helpful

Agreed. The difficult part here is the original icon pack that Notepad++ started out with and now used by this application is quite old and only provided 16x16 pixel icons. So the newer Notepad++ icons would have to be used or some other icon pack.

BLumia commented 1 day ago

Maybe a possible option is adopting KDE Framework's KXMLGUI?

KXMLGUI provide such feature out-of-the-box, user can then:

  1. adjust the icon size on the toolbar freely
  2. adjust the text visibility and position freely for toolbar actions
  3. add, remove, rearrange any icons on the toolbar freely
  4. built-in quick search panel for all available menu/toolbar actions
  5. optional ability to allow user hide the menu bar and use toolbar-only, move existing menu to a hamburger menu

It looks like:


(Screenshot of Kate editor under Windows, which uses KXMLGUI)

The downside is we'll need to adapt existing code logic to use KXMLGUI, and it will also introduce KXMLGUI and its dependencies as NotepadNext's dependencies so current CI setup will also need to be altered to be able to build these dependencies. But if it can be adapted, some other features offered by KDE Framework can also be reused as well, like (dark) theme support for the main window, easier application config logic offered by KConfigXT and so on.