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Is it possible to implement knocking in react native #10

Closed gopidevarapalli closed 3 years ago

gopidevarapalli commented 3 years ago

image image

In web we are able to see knocking system i.e Requesting to join and accepting the request from owner.

But from react native mobile app we are able to join directly even though enable_knocking set to true and is_owner set to true/false for owner/participant respectively. Is it possible in react native to implement the same functionality as mentioned the screenshots?

kompfner commented 3 years ago

Closing the issue, as it appears not to be a bug (but of course, let me know if I've misunderstood!) For troubleshooting and help using our APIs, don't hesitate to hit up help@daily.co.

gopidevarapalli commented 3 years ago

when I try to call updateWaitingParticipant('5f08d070-c94a-4a8b-86db-94959868494', {grantRequestedAccess:true}) it is throwing error like below.

Error: updateWaitingParticipant() only supported for joined meetings

Do you have any pre built react native code for this functionality so that we can take reference from there.