daily-demos / daily-flutter-demo

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Is this maintained / being worked on? Basic issues with startup #4

Closed jd-bus closed 6 months ago

jd-bus commented 6 months ago


I wanted to ask if this still being worked on / maintained, or if it's on plan to launch daily flutter more generally.

When I run this project I get the following error:

    [!] Invalid `Podfile` file: undefined method `exists?' for File:Class.

     #  from /Users/jd-bus/fltr/daily-flutter-demo/ios/Podfile:34
     #  -------------------------------------------
     >    if File.exists?('DailyFlutter-iOS.podspec')
     #      pod 'DailyFlutter-iOS', :podspec => 'DailyFlutter-iOS.podspec'
     #  -------------------------------------------

Here is my cocaopods version:

% pod --version

In researching the error, I see the following answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75414034/invalid-podfile-file-undefined-method-exists-for-fileclass "Downgrade cocoapods version can fix it. But if you use XCode 14.3++ and want to archive app, you will get issues."

In other words, daily-flutter-demo does not worth with modern versions of cocaopods, and therefore does not work with modern versions of XCode.

More generally, the Daily docs (https://docs.daily.co/reference/flutter) refer to Flutter support as "pre-beta" but this repo hasn't been touched in several months, so I'd really appreciate any frank feedback on whether it's truly pre-beta or just abandoned / not currently being worked on. Thanks so much!

filipi87 commented 6 months ago

Hi @jd-bus, yes, we released a new version of daily_flutter: ^0.16.0-beta.1 yesterday.

This demo has been updated to utilize the latest version, ensuring compatibility with recent versions of Xcode. This update also addresses the issue you mentioned above.

Thanks for reporting this.

jd-bus commented 6 months ago

ok thank you. now facing this issue when try to use latest with android. do you know about it?

> A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.CheckDuplicatesRunnable
   > Duplicate class org.webrtc.AddIceObserver found in modules jetified-android-114.5735.08.1-runtime (io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:114.5735.08.1) and jetified-daily_flutter_android_platform_components-0.16.0-beta.1-runtime (co.daily:daily_flutter_android_platform_components:0.16.0-beta.1)
     Duplicate class org.webrtc.AndroidVideoDecoder found in modules jetified-android-114.5735.08.1-runtime (io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:114.5735.08.1) and jetified-daily_flutter_android_platform_components-0.16.0-beta.1-runtime (co.daily:daily_flutter_android_platform_components:0.16.0-beta.1)
     Duplicate class org.webrtc.AndroidVideoDecoder$1 found in modules jetified-android-114.5735.08.1-runtime (io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:114.5735.08.1) and jetified-daily_flutter_android_platform_components-0.16.0-beta.1-runtime (co.daily:daily_flutter_android_platform_components:0.16.0-beta.1)
filipi87 commented 6 months ago

Hi @jd-bus, have you tried to clean everything before trying to build the app again ?

Or please let me know the steps that you are executing so I can try to reproduce this issue.