dailybruin / caeruleum

Daily Bruin's WordPress theme and special projects (2.0)
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Remove Roots #98

Open nathanmsmith opened 7 years ago

nathanmsmith commented 7 years ago

Roots is a base theme that Gryphondor (the previous iteration of Caeruleum) was based off of. @blutz probably explains it best:

I originally started gryphondor (the previous name of Caeruleum) with HTML5 boilerplate the moved it to WordPress using the Roots theme as a base. Roots was a WordPress/Bootstrap theme (I think based off of HTML5 boilerplate). I didn't use template inheritance like I should have (idk if it was even around at the time lol). A base theme is useful in WP because it set up all kinds of stuff that's tedious to write (search pages, comments, archives, error pages, etc.) and it set up the bootstrap/jQuery integration for us.

Here's the commit where Roots was introduced into gryphondor.

Looks like since then the roots theme has been renamed to Sage and is now "framework agnostic." I mostly forgot about it and assumed it had been ripped out when Daily Bruin was forked over to Caeruleum...

I'd recommend grep-ing through the code to find anything mentioning "roots", inspecting the output of it (if you're not using Boostrap, what does roots_head even output? lol), then trying to get rid of it. It might be a lot of work, but it could be worth it to help get rid of some cruft that's been built up.

Since we don't know what it's doing anymore, we need to look into it, determine if it's still necessary, and remove it if possible.