dailybruin / interactive.2017.close-to-home

Daily Bruin Enterprise project for Fall 2017.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Interactive Bar Chart #10

Closed ryang72 closed 6 years ago

ryang72 commented 6 years ago

Types of changes


An interactive bar chart to act as a guessing game for readers.



Thanks to Jason for this reference for a draggable bar chart: https://bl.ocks.org/AlainRo/9264cd08e341f2c92f020c39642c34d1 This link to understand how to create a simple striped pattern for the bar chart: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13069446/simple-fill-pattern-in-svg-diagonal-hatching This link to show how animation works in d3 (d3.transition()): https://bl.ocks.org/jamesleesaunders/f32a8817f7724b17b7f1 Thinks links shows how tween works for number text animation: https://bl.ocks.org/bricedev/a0c5ef180272fac3aea6



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Further Comments

Core functionality works, just need to change css to match the design. Also have it so that the results percent moves slightly faster than the results bar to try to make it feel more alive (I can explain in person cause that was pretty vague). Can change it so the number and bar moves together. There is a white outline around the rect that I'm not too sure how to get rid of.