dailymuse / terraform-aws-ecs-queue-backlog-autoscaling

Setup resources (sans roles) necessary to scale a service via a queue backlog measurement
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PLAT-3136 Ensure as objs recreated when service recreated #11

Closed ian-axelrod closed 4 years ago

ian-axelrod commented 4 years ago

Adds depends_on_service, which takes a service object to ensure that several autoscaling resources are recreated when the service is recreated. Without this, recreating the service will cause a syntax error in the autoscaling module due to a state <-> reality mismatch for the appautoscaling target and policies, as AWS removes them automatically when the service is destroyed.

I have made this variable optional to maintain backwards compatibility, but anyone looking to take advantage of app autoscaling support with a Terraform-managed service should use the variable. You can find an example of its use in examples/sqs-scaling.


ian-axelrod commented 4 years ago

Let me know if there is a specific part you want me to explain.