dailymuse / terraform-aws-ecs-queue-backlog-autoscaling

Setup resources (sans roles) necessary to scale a service via a queue backlog measurement
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Error in function call in module compute_queue_backlog_lambda #14

Open a-galindo opened 1 year ago

a-galindo commented 1 year ago

│ Error: Error in function call │ │ on .terraform/modules/compute_queue_backlog_lambda/modules/lambda-function/main.tf line 90, in resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "compute_queue_backlog": │ 90: role = element(concat(aws_iam_role.compute_queue_backlog.*.name, list("")), 0) │ ├──────────────── │ │ while calling list(vals...) │ │ Call to function "list" failed: the "list" function was deprecated in │ Terraform v0.12 and is no longer available; use tolist([ ... ]) syntax to │ write a literal list.

a-galindo commented 1 year ago

I see there's a fork https://github.com/dailymuse/terraform-aws-ecs-queue-backlog-autoscaling/compare/main...hlolli:terraform-aws-ecs-queue-backlog-autoscaling:main It seems it solves the deprecated list issue, could we merge it?