dain / galaxy-server

Galaxy as been renamed and moved to Airship
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UnexpectedResponseException during agent provision #34

Open ssindkar opened 12 years ago

ssindkar commented 12 years ago

Got an error message when provisioning an agent on amazon:

galaxy agent provision --availability-zone us-east-1b --instance-type c1.xlarge

UnexpectedResponseException{request=Request{uri=, method='POST', headers={Content-Type=[application/json]}, bodyGenerator=com.proofpoint.http.client.JsonBodyGenerator@7fcebc9f}, statusCode=500, statusMessage='We currently do not have sufficient c1.xlarge capacity in the Availability Zone you requested (us-east-1b). Our system will be working on provisioning additional capacity. You can currently get c1.xlarge capacity by not specifying an Availability Zone in your request or choosing us-east-1a, us-east-1d, us-east-1c.', headers={Content-Length=[1893], Content-Type=[text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1], Cache-Control=[must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store]}}