dair-ai / research_emotion_analysis

:smile: Multilingual emotion analysis research
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Multilingual Emotion Analysis (Literature Overview) #4

Open omarsar opened 4 years ago

omarsar commented 4 years ago

For our next meeting, please identify a related paper and prepare a 2-5 minute presentation. This paper can be related to multilingual data collection, multilingual emotion analysis research, other works that are related to the research objectives. Let's focus on recent papers (say from 2018 upwards).

fmplaza commented 4 years ago

I would like to present a paper that is related to multilingual emotion analysis: EmoEvent: A Multilingual Emotion Corpus based on different Events. It has been recently published in the LREC conference and I'm one of the authors.

omarsar commented 4 years ago

@fmplaza this would be really nice and very relevant. When are you free to present it? I can schedule a meeting and let the group know in the specific channel.

fmplaza commented 4 years ago

@fmplaza this would be really nice and very relevant. When are you free to present it? I can schedule a meeting and let the group know in the specific channel.

@omarsar I'm free next Wednesday and Thursday from 4 pm to 6 pm (CEST). I hope the talk will be helpful to this project :)

omarsar commented 4 years ago

I will also be presenting an overview of my previous work on Emotion Analysis.