dairui01 / Toyota_Smarthome

Tools for Toyota Smarthome datasets
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Apply for Dataset #2

Open CZX-Yui opened 3 days ago

CZX-Yui commented 3 days ago

We are doing research on human behavior analysis, especially focusing on family scenarios. We found your dataset is very relevant to our scenario. Therefore, we would like to apply for your dataset as a beachmark for our model testing and cite your work. Thank you very much~

dairui01 commented 3 days ago

Hi CZX-Yui,

Thank you for your interest in the Toyota Smart Home dataset!

To access the dataset, you can submit a request through our website: https://project.inria.fr/toyotasmarthome/

If you don't receive the dataset within three days of submitting your request, please feel free to send a follow-up email to toyotasmarthome@inria.fr. Someone will be happy to assist you further.