daisy / ace

Ace by DAISY, an Accessibility Checker for EPUB
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Headings Outline - Fancy headings modelized as images #352

Open LaZay opened 3 years ago

LaZay commented 3 years ago

Some fancy headings are modelized as images instead of text. This practice is very common in children / young adult publications. There is no HTML problem there, as the heading is not empty. It passes successfully epubcheck 4.2.5 and Ace 1.2.2 Violation sheet. Unfortunately, in this case, neiher heading's image nor heading's image's alt value is displayed in the Headings Outline. This prevents human quality control of the Outlines, as the testers do not see any content on the <Hn> they are supposed to check.

Would it be possible:

This would ensure human quality control of the outlines. Morever, no fake errors will be reported to the EPUB subcontractor, and no bad workaround will be required. Plus, lately, no problem will occur with the independant EPUB certification organisms, which would be misled by the Headings Outline display.

Example: `

chapter 1

` Thanks!
danielweck commented 3 years ago

Hello, sorry for the late reply. This would be a nice improvement. Definitely something to consider for the next round of updates.