daisy / ebraille

Repository for developing use cases and standard for digital braille
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Braille grade indicator on language attribute #143

Open GeorgeKerscher opened 8 months ago

GeorgeKerscher commented 8 months ago

Consider using lang attribute to indicate the braille grade.

The lang attribute should be included in all XHTML and HTML documents. It can also be placed on other elements to indicate a change in the language. There are also provisions for using subtags and mechanism for extensions.

We should consider this approach as an alternative to using class attributes on span and div as described in issue number: 142

Language tag syntax

Language tag syntax

Script subtag Optional. This subtag defines the writing system used for the language, and is always 4 characters long, with the first letter capitalized. For example, French-in-Braille is fr-

Specification for language tags

Tags for Identifying Languages) This document describes the structure, content, construction, and semantics of language tags for use in cases where it is desirable to indicate the language used in an information object. It also describes how to register values for use in language tags and the creation of user-defined extensions for private interchange.

jrbowden commented 7 months ago

I much prefer using the lang tag to specify a braille table - no class reserved words required. The main reason we really need to note the braille table is for purposes of back translation. I think we need to establish a scheme for identifying braille code, remembering there are cases when:

May I propose this ticket supersedes the examples in the Best Practice document and ticket #137 and #142 as the approach is preferable?

wfree-aph commented 6 months ago

I'm scared of using lang to represent either braille codes or grades. We'd need to expand how this tag is traditionally used in order to include the various codes and it could get messy. I think we are better off using spans and divs with a class that denotes the grade and code where applicable. I get how that solution is more generalized, since we're using such generic tags but, in a way, it's also more specific since the class is going to denote exactly what it needs to for reading software to comprehend what has changed. The key, I think, is ensuring that creation and reading software use the correct terminology.