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TTS edge case, asking for guidance #55

Open ThomasR128 opened 2 years ago

ThomasR128 commented 2 years ago

I’m not sure if this is the correct repo to post this to, so please move if appropriate.

Recently I have come across some edge cases where TTS software would leave out certain characters:

I was testing with MacOS VoiceOver, which is all I have available at the moment, and these letters were simply not spoken, so:

This of course may turn a sentence into utter nonsense.

So, what would be the most practical approach to solve this kind of issue, mainly from the perspective of an affected reader?

mattgarrish commented 2 years ago

Ya, I don't really have any good advice for you on this. TTS has largely been a bust for EPUB - PLS and SSML don't work almost anywhere.

The EPUB working group has a meeting with APA group at TPAC in a couple of weeks where they're going to give an update on the pronunciation task force's work. If anything comes out of that I'll let you know, but I'd be surprised if we aren't years away from working solutions.

ThomasR128 commented 2 years ago

TTS has largely been a bust for EPUB

Oh, the KB is certainly clear enough about that. Still, since screen readers internally map and expand some of the most common abbreviations, one wonders why some graphemes of major alphabets are not considered worth mapping…

the pronunciation task force's work

Thanks for pointing to these resources. Good to know that this is in progress.

mattgarrish commented 2 years ago

For VoiceOver, you could always try contacting Apple and letting them know about the problem -- just send an email to accessibility@apple.com.

I don't know what sort of priority it'd get, but it might be faster than waiting on TTS support.