This is some information that might be useful for braille experts to have:
[ ] What happens during volume breaking
[ ] Consequences due to hyphenation and long words either not fitting on a line, causing orphan/widows, etc.
[ ] Characters that cannot be translated to braille due to them not being present in the braille table.
[ ] What happens to tables, how are they laid out, when do they go from being rendered in one way as opposed to another way
[ ] The location in the input file for all these messages
[ ] In addition to being output in the execution log, summarize relevant issues and warnings in a job report, including the number of times each type occured
[ ] How far into the book the conversion is (page number or anything else that can be counted, maybe say for each 100th paragraph something like "Processed {N*100} paragraphs...")
[ ] What part of the conversion is currently being performed (translation, layout, volume breaking, etc.)
[ ] Remove or hide warnings and errors that are expected, does not add any useful information, and is confusing for end-users
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This is some information that might be useful for braille experts to have: