daisy / pipeline-ui

A user interface for the DAISY Pipeline 2
MIT License
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Results links not working on Mac #216

Closed marisademeglio closed 2 months ago

marisademeglio commented 2 months ago

The results folder link and the individual results links launch a finder window when clicked on but it goes to the home folder, not the correct location.

marisademeglio commented 2 months ago

I find that if I move the Pipeline results folder out of Documents, I can open the paths in finder. E.g. /Users/marisa/dev/DAISY Pipeline results/... is ok whereas /Users/marisa/Documents/DAISY Pipeline results/... does not work. Suspect something changed either with my local permissions or with macOS.

drwx---rwx@ 28 marisa staff 896 Feb 20 19:03 Documents

drwxr-xr-x 79 marisa staff 2528 Apr 15 17:15 dev

Setting g+r, g+x on Documents does nothing useful.

Documents has an extended attribute "macl" which apparently entered the macOS universe sometime around Ventura. This might be the issue?

> xattr -l Documents

One thing we could do is suggest users to move their Pipeline results out of the Documents folder, and/or create a new default location.

marisademeglio commented 2 months ago

I tried to make Desktop like Documents and changed the Pipeline output directory to Desktop/DAISY Pipeline results but could not reproduce the behavior with the results links not opening the right folder.

drwx---rwx@  36 marisa  staff      1152 Apr 16 11:58 Desktop
drwx---rwx@  28 marisa  staff       896 Feb 20 19:03 Documents

And Desktop also has the same extended attribute as Documents:

❯ xattr -l Desktop

So maybe that's not the reason.

bertfrees commented 2 months ago

Not an issue for me.

marisademeglio commented 2 months ago

@bertfrees what macOS version are you on?

marisademeglio commented 2 months ago

I am on Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71)

bertfrees commented 2 months ago

Sonoma 14.0

marisademeglio commented 2 months ago

Ok it must just be something with my machine; will close this but keep an eye out for user reports in case we have to reopen.