daisy613 / autoCoins

This Powershell script allows you to avoid most pumps/dumps by dynamically controlling the coin list in WickHunter bot to blacklist or un-blacklist coins.
7 stars 4 forks source link

Bug/unknown error #7

Open shinotsuku opened 3 years ago

shinotsuku commented 3 years ago

Please see attached images. Top one has the error, and the other one is when a new coin(s) joins Binance.

The script also stops un-quarantining after a new coin(s) gets added onto Binance / the available list while continuing to run WH 6.2. --> So I would need to manually close both the powershell and WH, then re-open both apps to continue.

Would also like to suggest 2 value input (10% to 99%) for both 1h and 24h, if you haven't added it yet.

I will send my log and images to you through discord. Thanks for making this app! It truly makes a huge difference in the trade positions :)