In case you want to access the exact median expressions per condition (or other stats), we have prepared a script for you. First, download your sce object using the button on the upper right. Then, modify your paths:
# calculate medians per condition per sample id
median_per_sample_dt <- exprs_dt[, median(exprs), by=c(condition, sample_id, "marker")]
colnames(median_per_sample_dt) <- c(condition, sample_id, "marker", "median")
geom_boxplot(data = median_per_sample_dt, aes(x = get(condition), y = median, color = get(condition)))+
geom_point(data = median_dt, aes(x = get(condition), y = median))+
facet_wrap(~marker, scales = "free_y")+
Attention: the median per marker per condition is not the same as the median over the medians per marker per condition per sample id. This is why the black points do not match the boxplot lines exactly.
In case you want to access the exact median expressions per condition (or other stats), we have prepared a script for you. First, download your sce object using the button on the upper right. Then, modify your paths:
Install and load packages
Read in your SCE object
Extract the expression data and add metadata information
Calculate medians per condition
Sanity check: reproduce boxplot from CYANUS
Attention: the median per marker per condition is not the same as the median over the medians per marker per condition per sample id. This is why the black points do not match the boxplot lines exactly.