daitao / SAN

Second-order Attention Network for Single Image Super-resolution (CVPR-2019)
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Why is psnr declining on my own data? #32

Open Feywell opened 4 years ago

Feywell commented 4 years ago

I train SAN on my own data. The loss is droping . But eval psnr is droping, too. What is the problem?

[gaoqing_592 x2] PSNR: 25.203 (Best: 29.220 @epoch 1) Total time: 765.24s

axis shape: (10,) axis: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] self.log[:, i].numpy() shape: (10,) self.log[:, i].numpy(): [11.964835 10.344067 9.891278 9.340872 9.287792 8.970273 8.765504 8.653118 8.545278 8.612093]
