daitao / SAN

Second-order Attention Network for Single Image Super-resolution (CVPR-2019)
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ValueError: _set_worker_pids should be called only once for each _BaseDataLoaderIter. #44

Open choieq opened 3 years ago

choieq commented 3 years ago

My environment is pytorch 1.6, cuda 10.2 in ubuntu

I replace _update_worker_pids with _set_workerpids in code/dataloader.py, then i got this error. "ValueError: _set_worker_pids should be called only once for each _BaseDataLoaderIter. "_

Help me ..

Akshaypatil7 commented 3 years ago

Use pytorch=0.4.1, cuda=9.2 in ubuntu use this command to install both: conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda92 -c pytorch