dakanji / G2Project

Community Update of Gallery2 - A web based photo album viewer and editor
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Broken scripts for translations #90

Closed miceno closed 5 years ago

miceno commented 5 years ago

I was following the procedure described in Gallery2 Codex to translate a module.

While running make es.po to get the PO file, I got the following error:

../../../lib/tools/po/GNUmakefile.inc:27: *** missing separator.  Stop.

It looks like PHP CS Fixer changed the layout of the file.

In order to solve it I have used the original /lib/tools/po/GNUmakefile.inc files, and it works without a problem.

Then the problem comes on the extract.php file, that has also changed from the original one. I tried it with PHP 7 and PHP 5, and for both it rises an error.

So I finally came up with the original /lib/tools/po folder and it works like a charm.

I will prepare a PR on this.

dakanji commented 5 years ago

Picks up discussion in https://github.com/dakanji/G2Project-main/pull/91

dakanji commented 5 years ago

On your last comment in the PR, probably the i18n setup is broken ... might be related to eval

dakanji commented 5 years ago

The runEval function is not dealing with the situation where the code passed is just expected to return the value as we have in extract.php.

I will implement a solution later today.