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Todo/task edited date issue #1657

Open Sully343 opened 1 year ago

Sully343 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Created a task in Microsoft outlook (might have been a todo or task). That had the wrong date. Edited it to the correct date and it added a new entry on dakboard. Completed the task and the correct date on dakboard disappeared. The old date is still showing on dakboard, but nowhere in tasks or todo.

20221109_120724 20221109_120826

Sully343 commented 1 year ago

Just expanding some....

In dakboard settings todo is set to "all folders".

This pulls tasks but not emails when I flag them.

When I switch it to just "tasks" the old call Brenda hearns " tasks goes away. When I switch it to just emails, it actually pulls emails that are flagged. Is there anyway to select both flagged emails and tasks? All folders doesn't seem to work correctly either.

Dan-Peck commented 1 year ago

Hello, @Sully343

I took some time to perform some preliminary analysis on this. I was able to partially reproduce the scenario. It seems that the combination of using "Flagged Emails" inside MS Outlook along with DAKboards "All Folders" option under "Microsoft Todo" block configuration results in some discrepancies in the visuals between the two systems.

Digging deeper, I reviewed the exact data that we are receiving from our MSGraph API calls, and discovered that Microsoft is actually sending the incorrect data to us. Currently, I am uncertain as to the root cause of this, but it appears to either be a bug in the MS Graph API, or that the modifications in the Flagged Email Tasks have some kind of delay while propagating through MS's systems. I will give it some time to see if it eventually updates.

Here are the steps I took to reproduce the issue(s):

For reference, looking at the (scrubbed) data from MS Graph, it provides for the incorrect entry similar to:

    1 =>
    array (
      '@odata.etag' => 'xxxxxxx',
      'importance' => 'normal',
      'isReminderOn' => false,
      'status' => 'notStarted',
      'title' => 'Original Title Here',
      'createdDateTime' => '2022-11-09T18:09:46.3947818Z',
      'lastModifiedDateTime' => '2022-11-09T18:19:48.0925969Z',
      'hasAttachments' => false,
      'categories' =>
      array (
      'id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
      'body' =>
      array (
        'content' => '',
        'contentType' => 'text',
      'linkedResources@odata.context' => 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users(\'xxxxxx%40outlook.com\')/todo/lists(\'\')/tasks(\'xxxxxxx\')/linkedResources',
      'linkedResources' =>
      array (
        0 =>
        array (
          'webUrl' => 'https://outlook.live.com/owa/?ItemID=xxxxxxxxxxxxx%2Bxxxxxxxx&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem',
          'applicationName' => 'Outlook',
          'displayName' => 'Original Title Here',
          'externalId' => 'xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
          'id' => 'xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx',

Noting that the title and displayName properties are showing the "Original Title Here" text, rather than my edited text. Also, no dueDateTime object is included with it that should look something like:

'dueDateTime' =>
      array (
        'dateTime' => '2022-11-18T00:00:00.0000000',
        'timeZone' => 'America/New_York',

I did some research to see if I could find an existing MS Outlook or MS Graph API issue describing this kind of behavior, but the only related bit I could find so far was:


All that said, this will require additional analysis to dig deeper and see if there is some other way we can still efficiently query using MS Graph for "All" folders, and also get the most up to date data from MS/Outlook Tasks or await a fix to MS Graph API. Leaving it in-queue pending prioritization.

Sully343 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Definitely love your alls product and this is something that I use a ton of. Hope to see it get fixed if possible.