Entering a To-Do list item with a due date specified for "tomorrow" (by string or by specific date) will correctly show in the listing as "tomorrow". However, when setting up a block for "Show only tasks due today and overdue", it will incorrectly be included in the list of items. Additionally, if "Show due dates" is on, it will display as "today".
Upon further analysis by the team, it was discovered that the "To-Do" Lists management page where lists and items are added is inadvertently ignoring the Timezone that was specified in the User Default Settings. When this happens, it falls back to America/New_York timezone. This is what causes the symptom noted above.
Once released, the fix will be in place and no longer ignore the Account's Default TimeZone setting
However, ToDo list items existing prior to the fix will need to have their due dates re-saved to correct the issue. Simply click on the items with due dates and click its "Save" button.
Entering a To-Do list item with a due date specified for "tomorrow" (by string or by specific date) will correctly show in the listing as "tomorrow". However, when setting up a block for "Show only tasks due today and overdue", it will incorrectly be included in the list of items. Additionally, if "Show due dates" is on, it will display as "today".
Upon further analysis by the team, it was discovered that the "To-Do" Lists management page where lists and items are added is inadvertently ignoring the Timezone that was specified in the User Default Settings. When this happens, it falls back to America/New_York timezone. This is what causes the symptom noted above.