After some recent refactoring of Predefined Screen layouts in order to support scrolling on all Predef calendar panels, the "Left/Right" layout has some undesirable appearances such as:
Agenda style calendar event color bars extend to the full width of the screen
When RSS/News panel is enabled, the calendar panel height is shorted
This case will address these issues by:
Reducing the width of the calendar panel to around 30% of the screen width
Increasing the height of the calendar panel to full height
Noting that after these changes, for longer calendars combined with larger News/RSS content, there may be some overlap. In these cases, Custom Screens or Custom CSS may be used to affect more personalized tuning to the layout.
After some recent refactoring of Predefined Screen layouts in order to support scrolling on all Predef calendar panels, the "Left/Right" layout has some undesirable appearances such as:
This case will address these issues by:
Noting that after these changes, for longer calendars combined with larger News/RSS content, there may be some overlap. In these cases, Custom Screens or Custom CSS may be used to affect more personalized tuning to the layout.