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[calendar] - Enter one-line summary #787

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Token: 049365b5af5138f2ca19f345579e8910 (Don't modify this token!)
Version: 19.0.65 (11-02-2015)
PHP: 5.4.37
RCMAIL: 1.1.0
Database: mysql
SERVER: Apache
I.  Issue Description:
I can not create a new event on calendar

II. Steps to reproduce the Issue:
1.click "new event" button on calendar section



 | Configuration for the Calendar plugin                                   |
 |                                                                         |
 | Copyright (C) 2010, Lazlo Westerhof - Netherlands                       |
 | Copyright (C) 2011, Kolab Systems AG                                    |
 | Copyright (C) 2014, MyRoundcube.com
 |                                                                         |
 | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    |
 | it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as          |
 | published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the      |
 | License, or (at your option) any later version.                         |
 |                                                                         |
 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         |
 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          |
 | GNU Affero General Public License for more details.                     |
 |                                                                         |
 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License|
 | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.    |
 |                                                                         |
 | Author: Lazlo Westerhof <hello@lazlo.me>                                |
 |         Thomas Bruederli <bruederli@kolabsys.com>                       |
 |         Rosali <rosali@myroundcube.com>                                 |

// Additional drivers (default driver is always database)
$config['calendar_driver'] = array (
  'database', // must be present always
  'birthdays',  // requires calendar_plus
    'google_xml', // requires calendar_plus

// default calendar view (agendaDay, agendaWeek, month)
$config['calendar_default_view'] = "agendaWeek";

// sort calendars list accross drivers
$config['calendar_cross_driver_sort'] = false;

// mapping of Roundcube date formats to calendar formats (long/short/agenda)
// should be in sync with 'date_formats' in main config
$config['calendar_date_format_sets'] = array(
  'yyyy-MM-dd' => array('MMM d yyyy',   'M-d',  'ddd MM-dd'),
  'dd-MM-yyyy' => array('d MMM yyyy',   'd-M',  'ddd dd-MM'),
  'yyyy/MM/dd' => array('MMM d yyyy',   'M/d',  'ddd MM/dd'),
  'MM/dd/yyyy' => array('MMM d yyyy',   'M/d',  'ddd MM/dd'),
  'dd/MM/yyyy' => array('d MMM yyyy',   'd/M',  'ddd dd/MM'),
  'dd.MM.yyyy' => array('dd. MMM yyyy', 'd.M',  'ddd dd.MM.'),
  'd.M.yyyy'   => array('d. MMM yyyy',  'd.M',  'ddd d.MM.'),

// general date format (only set if different from default date format and not 
user configurable)
// $config['calendar_date_format'] = "yyyy-MM-dd";

// time format  (only set if different from default date format)
// $config['calendar_time_format'] = "HH:mm";

// short date format (used for column titles)
// $config['calendar_date_short'] = 'M-d';

// long date format (used for calendar title)
// $config['calendar_date_long'] = 'MMM d yyyy';

// date format used for agenda view
// $config['calendar_date_agenda'] = 'ddd MM-dd';

// timeslots per hour (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
$config['calendar_timeslots'] = 4;

// show this number of days in agenda view
$config['calendar_agenda_range'] = 60;

// first day of the week (0-6)
$config['calendar_first_day'] = 0;

// first hour of the calendar (0-23)
$config['calendar_first_hour'] = 6;

// working hours begin
$config['calendar_work_start'] = 6;

// working hours end
$config['calendar_work_end'] = 18;

// show line at current time of the day
$config['calendar_time_indicator'] = true;

// default alarm settings for new events.
// this is only a preset when a new event dialog opens
// possible values are <empty>, DISPLAY, EMAIL
$config['calendar_default_alarm_type'] = '';

// default alarm offset for new events.
// use ical-style offset values like "-1H" (one hour before) or "+30M" (30 
minutes after)
$config['calendar_default_alarm_offset'] = '-15M';

// how to colorize events:
// 0: according to calendar color
// 1: according to category color
// 2: calendar for outer, category for inner color
// 3: category for outer, calendar for inner color
$config['calendar_event_coloring'] = 0;

// default event background color
$config['calendar_events_default_background_color'] = 'c0c0c0';

// readonly event background color
$config['calendar_readonly_events_default_background_color'] = 'ff0000';

// event font color dynamic calculation
// 0: black/white according to brightness
// 1: complementary color to content color
// 2: always white // only recommended if users are not allowed to create
                   // categories by "dont_override" directive
// 3: always black //              -"-
$config['calendar_event_font_color'] = 0;

// event categories
$config['calendar_categories'] = array(
  'Personal'     => 'c0c0c0',
  'Trabajo'      => 'ff0000',
  'Familia'      => '00ff00',
  'Festividades' => 'ff6600',

// enable users to invite/edit attendees for shared events organized by others
$config['calendar_allow_invite_shared'] = false;

// enable asynchronous free-busy triggering after data changed
$config['calendar_freebusy_trigger'] = false;

// SMTP server host used to send (anonymous) itip messages
$config['calendar_itip_smtp_server'] = null;

// SMTP username used to send (anonymous) itip messages
$config['calendar_itip_smtp_user'] = 'smtpauth';

// SMTP password used to send (anonymous) itip messages
$config['calendar_itip_smtp_pass'] = '123456';

// Base URL to build fully qualified URIs to access calendars via CALDAV
// The following replacement variables are supported:
// %h - Current HTTP host
// %u - Current webmail user name
// %n - Calendar name
// %i - Calendar UUID
// $config['calendar_caldav_url'] = 'http://%h/iRony/calendars/%u/%i';

// Crypt key to encrypt passwords for added iCAL/CalDAV calendars
$config['calendar_crypt_key'] = "put some random string here";

// Pre-installed calendars, added at first access to calendar section
$config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'] = array(
  0 => array(
         'driver'          => 'database',
         'name'            => 'Local',
         'color'           => 'cc0000',
         'showalarms'      => 1,
         'tasks'           => 1,
         'freebusy'        => 1,
         'is_default'      => 1,
//   1 => array(
//          'driver'          => 'google_xml',
//          'name'            => 'US Holidays',
//          'google_xml_url'  => 
//          'color'           => 'cc0000',
//          'showalarms'      => 1,
//          'freebusy'        => 1,
//       ),
//   2 => array(
//          'driver'          => 'caldav',
//          'name'            => 'Events',
//          'caldav_user'     => '%u',
//          'caldav_pass'     => '%p', 
//          'caldav_url'      => 'http://dav.mydomain.tld/calendars/%u/',
//          'color'           => 'cccc00',
//          'showalarms'      => 1,
//          'tasks'           => 1,
//          'freebusy'        => 1,
//          'sync'            => 5, // every (x) minute(s)
//          'autodiscover'    => 1, // check if this node holds other calendars
//          'is_default'      => 1, // that's the default calendar to save 
//        ),
//   3 => array(
//          'driver'          => 'ical',
//          'name'            => 'Daylight',
//          'ical_user'       => '%u',
//          'ical_pass'       => '%p',
//          'ical_url'        => 'http://ical.mydomain.tld/calendars/%u/',
//          'color'           => 'cccc00',
//          'showalarms'      => 1,
//          'tasks'           => 1,
//          'freebusy'        => 0,
//          'sync'            => 3600, // every (x) minute(s)
//        ),

      By default %u is replaced by rcube::get_instance()->get_user_name() (usually equal to $_SESSION['username']).
      If that does not fit your needs, this is the right place to replace %u by whatever you need.
      Here follows an example on how to strip off the domain part of the user:

      $user = false;
      // Try the regular method
      if(!$user && class_exists('rcube')){
        $user = rcube::get_instance()->get_user_name(); // get_user_email() is also available
      // Try session
      if(!$user && isset($_SESSION['username'])){
        $user = $_SESSION['username'];
      // Try GUI input
      if(!$user && function_exists('get_input_value')){
        $user = get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
      // Yep! We have the user
        // Now parse the user (f.e. the part before "@")
        $user = current(explode('@', $user, 2));
        foreach($config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'] as $key => $props){
          if($config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['caldav_user'] == '%u'){
            $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['caldav_user'] = $user;
            $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['caldav_url'] = str_replace('%u', $user, $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['caldav_url']);
          if($config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['ical_user'] == '%u'){
            $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['ical_user'] = $user;
            $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['ical_url'] = str_replace('%u', $user, $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars'][$key]['ical_url']);
        // debug logging
          //write_log('debug', $config['calendar_preinstalled_calendars']);
        die("calendar plugin configuration: failed to detect username");

/* Verify SSL Certs */
$config['calendar_curl_verify_peer'] = true; // peer verification
$config['calendar_curl_verify_host'] = true; // host name verification

/* Reminders sounds */
      In order to add more sounds extend this array
      and add sound files into sounds folder of calendar_plus
$config['calendar_reminders_available_sounds'] = array(
  'pling'           => 'sound.wav',
  'bling'           => 'sound2.wav',
  'digital clock'   => 'sound3.wav',
  'flub'            => 'sound4.wav'

/* Cronjob */
$config['cron_log'] = true;
$config['cron_smtp_user'] = 'no-reply@mydomain.tld';
$config['cron_smtp_pass'] = 'password';
$config['cron_rc_url'] = 'https://webmail.mydomain.tld/';
$config['cron_sender'] = 'webmaster@mydomain.tld';

/* Mailbox Minical */
$config['calendar_minical'] = false;

/* Reminders sound */
$config['calendar_reminders_sound'] = true;

/* Disallow sharing */
$config['calendar_disallow_sharing'] = false;

// Enable debugging output for iCAL/CalDAV drivers
$config['calendar_caldav_debug'] = false;
$config['calendar_ical_debug'] = false;

// Migration from old MyRoundcube calendar 
   /* The following options are needed to migrate from MyRoundcube calendar version 18.x or older. Leave empty not to run migration routine (default) */

    // Database 
       /* Define  database connection
           MySQL: mysql://database_username:database_password@host/roundcube_database_name
           PGSQL: pgsql://database_username:database_password@host/roundcube_database_name
           sqLite3: sqlite:////full/path/to/roundcube_database.db?mode=0646

$config['old_calendar_database_dsn'] = ''; 

     // IMAP host 
       /* Set according to the 'mail_host' field in 'users' table of your old calendar installation */
$config['old_calendar_mail_host'] = ''; 

     //'users' table name
       /* Set according to the 'users' table name (including database prefix) of your old calendar installation */
$config['old_calendar_users_table'] = 'users';

     // 'events' table name 
       /* Set  according to the 'events' table name (including database prefix) of your old calendar installation */
$config['old_calendar_events_table'] = 'events';


Original issue reported on code.google.com by aisl...@gmail.com on 21 Feb 2015 at 7:48

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Guys, this is annoying. Where do you read that we have already Roundcube 1.1 
compatible plugins? MyRoundcube plugins yet support 1.0.5 and nothing else!

Original comment by myroundc...@gmail.com on 21 Feb 2015 at 8:04