dakrone / clj-http

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Forwarding event to Elasticsearch :http-options is not working #581

Closed bshah0408 closed 3 years ago

bshah0408 commented 3 years ago

(elasticsearch {:es-endpoint "https://secured.com:9200" :es-index "riemann" :index-suffix "-yyyy.MM" :type "_doc" :http-options{:trust-store "ca.jk" :trust-store-pass "password "} })

Following option does not work. is there something I am doing wrong example I just try to follow: this link with example I am getting exception :

sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.build(SunCertPathBuilder.java:141)

rymndhng commented 3 years ago

These types of issues are difficult to diagnose because there are many factors outside of clj-http that could be contributing to the issue.

Before diagnosing into clj-http, have you confirmed that:

bshah0408 commented 3 years ago


Yes I have configure it correctly and I have tested the trust-store with another java client it worked fine.

I believe Problem exist on :http-options{ } option, which is I agree hard to trace.

rymndhng commented 3 years ago

@bshah0408 Could you also try setting :key-store and :key-store-pass to the same values as :trust-store and :trust-store-pass?

Like this:

(elasticsearch {:es-endpoint "https://secured.com:9200"
                :es-index "riemann"
                :index-suffix "-yyyy.MM"
                :type "_doc"
                :http-options {:trust-store "ca.jk"
                               :trust-store-pass "password "
                               :key-store "ca.jk"
                               :key-store-pass "password "} })
bshah0408 commented 3 years ago


Thank you very much, using two option of trust-store and key-store with same path does seem to be working now.

For meanwhile I have found solution as well the other way around,

adding trust-store path to /etc/sysconfig/riemann file

Optional JAVA_OPTS

EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="/path to your .jk or trust-store file"

rymndhng commented 3 years ago

Awesome! Glad that worked.