Open nimafazeli opened 2 years ago
I don't have much experience with Windows. However, I have tried to use Emacs on Windows, and I concluded that running Emacs on WSL was the way to go; djvused, the poppler library (for pdftools), mlocate, ripgrep etc. will be all (easily) available. With the help of this guide, it was quite straightforward to make it work on WSL 1, for WSL 2 it was not very clear how to configure the firewall. But WSL 1 is fine enough (if you know how to handle the firewall on Windows, then WSL2 setup should be very easy too).
On the other hand... I remember for Windows there was a quite complete djvu viewer, I guess it was just WinDjView (but that is certainly no Spacemacs experience)
So this means that djvulibre for windows does not provide the djvused command? Or isn't that a Windows package? I have clicked the Windows (x86) link here, also I see a win32 directory. On the other hand, it doesn't look like a Windows package to me, but I am no expert (it's somewhat confusing)
I installed the djvulibre for windows and it indeed provides the djvused command.
But I still can't get it to work because it seems that the package conflicts with org. I get the following:
Eager macro-expansion failure: (error "Loading file c:/Users/nima/.emacs.d/elpa/develop/svg-1.1/svg.elc failed to provide feature ‘svg’") [2 times]
helm-M-x-execute-command: Loading file c:/Users/nima/.emacs.d/elpa/develop/svg-1.1/svg.elc failed to provide feature ‘svg’Unable to load color "unspecified-fg"
Then Org-mode fails to load and I get the buffer in fundamental mode. When I try to run org-mode, emacs complains with the same message.
I think you get this error because your Emacs is not compiled with svg support (on GNU/linux this requires the dynamic library to be installed (on Fedora available from librsvg2-devel). I am not sure if such support is available on Windows (although it should be available on WSL).
If you just want to read djvu's then you should just install djvu.el, by adding djvu
to dotspacemacs-additional-packages
(and remove the djvu layer). I guess that should work because it does not require svg support. Subsequently, you can copy the useful configurations from the djvu layer.
Alternatively, you could use djbu2.el, which only requires the imagemagick command to be installed (I guess that should be available on Windows). But in any case I would recommend to try 'plain' djvu.el first.
I think you don't even have to install djvu.el to read djvu's, because doc-view already supports djvu AFAIK.
Hi, Thanks for the great work. It seems that the package is using
which is available only on linux. Is there any alternative workaround to make it work on windows?Thanks