dalanicolai / image-roll.el

Virtual scroll display engine for Emacs
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`bookmark-set` throws `image-display-size: Invalid image specification: (space :width (1615) :height (2013))` #15

Open NightMachinery opened 1 year ago

NightMachinery commented 1 year ago

bookmark-set throws image-display-size: Invalid image specification: (space :width (1615) :height (2013)).

pdf-view-position-to-register and pdf-view-bookmark-make-record throw the same error. You might need to scroll a bit to get the error.

I am using better-jumper-mode, too, and it too cannot jump to positions in PDFs. (No error messages there, the page just turns gray and on redisplay the position has not changed.)

dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

Indeed, I have also not implemented this functionality. However, I found that the functionality for storing the bookmark could easily be implemented/fixed for image-roll and I have pushed a fix (to my pdf-roll branch of pdf-tools). From a quick test here, it looks like it might have fixed the issue. However, it could be that to 'thoroughly' fix it, we might have to update the 'bookmark jump handler' also. Anyway, you can try it out by syncing with the pdf-roll branch of my pdf-tools fork.