dalanicolai / image-roll.el

Virtual scroll display engine for Emacs
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Installation doesn't seem to be working with Doom #17

Open eren-rudy opened 1 year ago

eren-rudy commented 1 year ago

To install, I did the following, as per the instructions from the readme:

Then I get the following error:

x There was an unexpected runtime error Message: Wrong type argument Details: (stringp afternoon-theme) Backtrace: (intern afternoon-theme) ((closure ((package . gnu-elpa-mirror) use-package-pre-ensure-function u... (cl--position gnu-elpa-mirror ((afternoon-theme :url "https://github.com... (cl-position gnu-elpa-mirror ((afternoon-theme :url "https://github.com/... (apply cl-position gnu-elpa-mirror ((afternoon-theme :url "https://githu... (cl-find gnu-elpa-mirror ((afternoon-theme :url "https://github.com/osen... (straight-recipes-nongnu-elpa--translate (cl-find package (straight-reci... (straight-recipes-nongnu-elpa-retrieve gnu-elpa-mirror) (apply straight-recipes-nongnu-elpa-retrieve gnu-elpa-mirror) (let ((default-directory (if local-repo (straight--repos-dir local-repo)... (let* ((--cl-rest-- recipe) (local-repo (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-res... (let ((recipe (straight--convert-recipe name cause))) (let* ((--cl-rest-... ! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/logs/cli.doom.230222143118.91301.error ✓ Finished in 0.20451s

Doom version: GNU Emacs v28.1 nil Doom core v3.0.0-dev grafted, HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD 29e30e8 2022-09-12 11:44:11 +0200 Doom modules v22.09.0-dev grafted, HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD 29e30e8 2022-09-12 11:44:11 +0200

OS version: macOS Monterey 12.3

Let me know if you need to see any more information. I know you are not a Doom user, but if you could at least see if you can't reproduce this issue so then I know it might be some conflict with my config or something else.


eren-rudy commented 1 year ago

My apologies... I assumed the issue had to do with your installation, but it seems it might be an issue with Doom that I didn't notice because I hadn't run Doom sync in a while.

eren-rudy commented 1 year ago

Ok so I have followed the installation instructions again after resolving my Doom issues. I now seem to have this continuous option in the DocView mode:


The only issue is that it doesn't seem to do what it might suggest (no continuous scrolling). Upon further investigation, perhaps this menu is misleading, because when I change 'continuous' to 'Off', I can't scroll through the PDF at all..

Not sure if these things are related, but it's probably worth mentioning that I don't see the M-x pdf-view-roll-minor-mode command.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Doom information:

GNU Emacs     v28.1            nil
Doom core     v3.0.0-pre       HEAD -> master 788e507d 2023-02-22 00:46:47 -0500
Doom modules  v22.10.0-pre     HEAD -> master 788e507d 2023-02-22 00:46:47 -0500

OS information: macOS Monterey 12.3

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

I don't understand the steps you describe (remove org? remove pdf-tools from readme? Those steps are not described in the README. Please try again while closely following the steps as described in the README. Let me know if you still encounter some problem.

If everything went fine, then a pdf should open in pdf-view-mode, not in doc-view. And, indeed, then also the M-x pdf-view-roll-minor-mode command should be available.

B.t.w, I don't know much about Mac's, but for pdf-tools, the poppler library should be available. Does pdf-tools work when using Doom's pdf module (i.e. a pdf should open in pdf-view-mode not in doc-view-mode?

eren-rudy commented 1 year ago

Sorry I'm not sure how I miscommunicated that so badly... Here's what I actually did:

Am I not supposed to disable the pdf module, as I have done in the first step?

When I'm using the pdf module, pdfs open in pdf-view-mode as far as I can tell (let me know if there is another way to check). When I open the PDF it says this at the bottom: image as opposed to 'DocView', as you saw in the screenshot in my previous comment (that screenshot was taken when pdf was disabled).

dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

Haha okay, no problem.

Indeed, you should disable the pdf module. It was just easy to quickly use it to check if at least pdf-tools works.

Unfortunately, I am no doom nor a straight.el user. Maybe you could quickly ask for help on the doom discourse or discord channel or on Emacs stack-exchange (but then make sure to include the doom tag) because this is more a doom installation issue. I have once sorted it out myself, and wrote the instructions in the README, but I really don't remember how it works (and I am actually not sure at all if the instructions are the 'recommended' way of doing things in doom) .

However, I expect that other doom users can very quickly and easily help you out.

If you find any point where the instructions can be improved, then please let me know.

Thanks, and good luck!