dalanicolai / image-roll.el

Virtual scroll display engine for Emacs
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installation instructions break doom sync #18

Open JonatanSahar opened 1 year ago

JonatanSahar commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've followed to installation instructions from the manual, and it landed me in an unreprable state. This error persist after moving the old pdf-tools directory back to its place.

I think that you should remove or verify the installation steps on Doom, to save other users the same trouble..

Synchronizing "default" profile...

Regenerating envvars file ✓ Generated ~/doom-emacs/.local/env Installing packages...

  • Checked out pdf-tools: bc2ba117e8c3196ff9adf0da4fa1e63a8da3d7c8 Building pdf-tools... x There was an unexpected runtime error Message: File error Details: ("Removing old name" "Permission denied" "c:/Users/Jonathan/doom-emacs/.local/straight/build-28.1/pdf-tools/epdfinfo.exe") Backtrace: (delete-file "c:/Users/Jonathan/doom-emacs/.local/straight/build-28.... (apply delete-file "c:/Users/Jonathan/doom-emacs/.local/straight/bui... (files--force t delete-file "c:/Users/Jonathan/doom-emacs/.local/str... (#[257 "\301!@\302=\203 \303\300\"\207\304\302\305#\207" [r... (mapc #[257 "\301!@\302=\203 \303\300\"\207\304\302\305#\20... (delete-directory "c:/Users/Jonathan/doom-emacs/.local/straight/buil... (progn (delete-directory dir 'recursive)) (if (file-exists-p dir) (progn (delete-directory dir 'recursive))) (let ((dir (straight--build-dir package))) (if (file-exists-p dir) (... (progn (let ((dir (straight--build-dir package))) (if (file-exists-p... (let ((--cl-rest-- recipe) (package (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-re... (straight--symlink-package (:type git :flavor melpa :files ("lisp/.... ! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/doom-emacs/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.230409160823.28040.error ! Script was abruptly aborted, leaving Doom in an incomplete state!
  • Run 'doom sync' to repair it. ✓ Finished in 23.25233s
dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for creating the issue. I'm sorry that Doom got in some 'seemingly' unrepairable state. However, the installation instructions should not bring Doom in some unrepairable state, at least I don't see any reason for that. If something seems unrepairable to you, then I guess you should ask for help in some Doom help channel. If somehow my installation instructions really bring doom in some unrepairable state, then I'll consider this a Doom issue, and not some issue with my installation instructions.

Of course, if you can show me that I am wrong, or you find something that can be improved about the instruction, then your feedback would be very welcome.