dalanicolai / image-roll.el

Virtual scroll display engine for Emacs
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How to install with quelpa #8

Open Allinaent opened 2 years ago

Allinaent commented 2 years ago

I try this:

 '(pdf-tools :location (recipe
                      :fetcher github
                      :repo "dalanicolai/pdf-tools"
                      :branch "pdf-roll"
                      :files ("lisp/*.el"
                              ("build" "Makefile")
                              ("build" "server")
                              (:exclude "lisp/tablist.el" "lisp/tablist-filter.el")))) :upgrade t)
 '(image-roll :location (recipe
                       :fetcher github
                       :repo "dalanicolai/image-roll.el")) :upgrade t)

but start with error: error: Failed to checkout ‘pdf-tools’: ‘Symbol’s function definition is void: quelpa-build--checkout-nil’

I'm a noob, pls more details.

dalanicolai commented 2 years ago

Please wrap your code example between triple backticks to make it more readable.

From what I can find on the Melpa website, the :location keyword should not be used when using Quelpa. I guess the following should work

(quelpa '(pdf-tools :fetcher github
                    :repo "dalanicolai/pdf-tools"
                    :branch "pdf-roll"
                    :files ("lisp/*.el"
                            ("build" "Makefile")
                            ("build" "server")
                            (:exclude "lisp/tablist.el" "lisp/tablist-filter.el"))))

and similar for image-roll.