dalanicolai / info-layer

Spacemacs layer providing sensible naviagtion and documentation for Info buffers
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Add `?\t` and `S-?\t` for reference navigation #1

Open bryce-carson opened 2 years ago

bryce-carson commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to navigate references like vanilla Emacs Info.

The commands are Info-next-reference and Info-prev-reference.

S-tab works, but I was not able to get tab (as ?\t) working in the hydra. Could you add this, @dalanicolai? Great work for this private layer, btw. Very nice to have since Info is not evilified well in upstream Spacemacs.

dalanicolai commented 2 years ago

Well, I generally find those commands not very useful, because I would generally jump immediately to some reference using either m or o, but I have added the command now anyway.

Indeed, the mode used to open in emacs-state, but now that special-mode opens in motion-state by default, Info-mode opens in motion state, which is really not so useful here. So we could either add info (and also calendar) to spacemacs-evil-collection-allowed-list, but those bindings are not very 'spacemacsey', or we should finish this layer (add documentation, and preferably, beautify the hydra), and make it an official layer.

bryce-carson commented 1 year ago

Is there anything you'd like me to do for this layer? I can write the README.org, and create a changelog entry within that for this layer.

I really find this layer indispensable for Spacemacs.

I want to help it get merged into the official distro.

bryce-carson commented 1 year ago

My current thoughts, now that I'm reflecting on possible improvements to this layer, are: