daledesilva / obsidian_ink

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User defined writing line heights #34

Open MrComputron opened 2 months ago

MrComputron commented 2 months ago

What's your idea? Allow user defined line spacing in writing.

Why? How would it help you (or others)? On (my) phone line spacing is much narrower than ideal, restricting written input. Different screen sizes at different resolutions likely result in different line spacing and inconsistent experience between devices.

I would suggest either allowing a simple "narrow", "medium", "wide" spacing option in settings or - if possible - tying line spacing to real world sizes calculated regardless of resolution.

Any examples or references you think are worth pointing out?

Anything else? I would suggest that the handwriting starts with 2 visible lines instead of 1 as the moment a stroke is detected the second line is rendered anyways.

Keep up the great work!

daledesilva commented 2 months ago

Thanks @MrComputron This is already on my roadmap 🙂

FYI. It's first implementation will be such that on each device you use it on you can choose a line height that suits that device. Once created, the file will maintain it's line height even on other devices.

Ideally it adapts even after it's created, but that will be much later as it's more complex.

MrComputron commented 2 months ago

That is fantastic. Thanks for the update and apologies for making a redundant suggestion. Looking forward to these improvements when then come online.

daledesilva commented 2 months ago

Not redundant. It's good to know what others experience so I can prioritise. Keep em coming 😄