daledesilva / obsidian_ink

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OCR Transcriptions #43

Open DiamondSamurai0 opened 1 month ago

DiamondSamurai0 commented 1 month ago

What's your idea? I think it would be really cool if the text you write gets converted into hidden real text that allows the hand writing to be searched

Why? How would it help you (or others)? It would encourage more handwritten notes as it would allow you to search for them in larger vaults with our having to worried about losing them

Any examples or references you think are worth pointing out?

Anything else? This should be a toggle because it would increase file size

daledesilva commented 1 month ago

Yep, this is planned 🙂 and you actually described it very similar to how I plan to implement it.

I'm working to get most of the core aspects done and rock solid first, so it will be a few months at least before I get on to this.