dalefugier / DOSLib

LISP Library for CAD Applications
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dos_isinsidecurve - wrong results in some cases? #12

Open Pierre-de-la-Verre opened 3 years ago

Pierre-de-la-Verre commented 3 years ago



I found that in some cases - depending on the coordinates of the point and on the form of the curve - the result of this functions gives NIL (out), although it should be TRUE (inside).

Find attached the

I'm not sure on which side of the keyboard the problem resides ..

Have a good time! dos_isinsidecurve.zip

dalefugier commented 3 years ago

Hi @Pierre-de-la-Verre,

If you move your curves close to the world origin, does the function work as expected?

-- D

Pierre-de-la-Verre commented 3 years ago

Hi @dalefugier

I made more tests: a) With Autocad with high coordinates, like above: there are missing some lines in different curves b) With Autocad with low coordinates (1000, 8000): there is no result (nothing "in") in one curve c) With Bricscad: same as b)

a) and b) are documented in a (long) screencast; from start to approx. 12 min shows chapter a), the following chapter b) see attachment

c) is documented here: see attachment dos_isinsidecurve_Bricscad_20,_low_coordinates.mp4.zip

I attach the DWG with low coordinates


Roy-043 commented 3 years ago


Another issue: The algorithm uses, what I will call, the 'count intersections with a single ray' method. This method fails when the point lies on an extended edge of the boundary.

See here: http://ww3.cad.de/foren/ubb/Forum145/HTML/000602.shtml#000008 And see here for a potential solution: https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=48399.msg546187#msg546187

In the attached dwg (zipped) the origin is reported as no lying inside the polyline.
