dalehenrich / tode

tODE - the Object-centric Development Environment. Smalltalk. development, deconstructed and a development environment for GemStone/S. Part of the GsDevKit tool set.
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tODE feedback from students .. #287

Open dalehenrich opened 7 years ago

dalehenrich commented 7 years ago

One said: 1) The user experience was rudimentary 2) Slow and difficult to do things that were very easy with Pharo (for example to be able to browse more than one class at the same time). I did not use the shell but the UI tools. 3) Very difficult to debug 4) After some time I got used to the tools but they are definitely more "rudimentary" that other smalltalks

Other said: 1) It was not easy to find how to browse a class 2) It should be faster to be ale to browse classes, packages, methods, etc 3) We did not understand how to debug 4) The inspector is too primitive. We could not find the way to inspect an object but sending inspect to it

Just to put you in context, the had one month and a half to do what they had to do and they all work, so I think the spend 40/80 hours the most...