dalehenrich / tode

tODE - the Object-centric Development Environment. Smalltalk. development, deconstructed and a development environment for GemStone/S. Part of the GsDevKit tool set.
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Drilling into an item in debugger when the item understands #parent: causes a walkback #292

Open regkrock opened 7 years ago

regkrock commented 7 years ago

When a domain object understands #parent:, a walkback occurs when attempting to drill into the object by clicking on it.

The attached screen shots show the problem.

The debugger opened and I clicked on the [calendar] object to drill into it.


After clicking I opened the execution stack and it is as below. The highlighted code in the left hand pane shows the error. It is caused because my object understands #parent:. There needs to be a distinction between the ‘TD object’ and a domain object.
