dalek-cryptography / curve25519-dalek

A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on Ristretto and Curve25519
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Is the `ProjectiveNielsPoint` mapping relationship in the document written incorrectly? #597

Open zjsec opened 8 months ago

zjsec commented 8 months ago

The document states as follows: DOC1 ProjectiveNielsPoint: $(Y+X,Y−X,Z,2dXY)$ DOC2 "..., represented as $(Y+X,Y-X,Z,2dXY)$ in ‘Niels coordinates’."

But the relevant code is as follows: https://github.com/dalek-cryptography/curve25519-dalek/blob/89aabac235ecb2fee2e1f482a17d9312a2616c5a/curve25519-dalek/src/edwards.rs#L513

impl EdwardsPoint {
    /// Convert to a ProjectiveNielsPoint
    pub(crate) fn as_projective_niels(&self) -> ProjectiveNielsPoint {
        ProjectiveNielsPoint {
            Y_plus_X: &self.Y + &self.X,
            Y_minus_X: &self.Y - &self.X,
            Z: self.Z,
            T2d: &self.T * &constants::EDWARDS_D2,

We know that in the $\mathbb{P}^3$ model, $XY=ZT$, so $XY$ is not equal to $T$. Is it a document error? Is it correct to change to $(Y-X, Y+X, Z, 2dT)$?