dalek-cryptography / curve25519-dalek

A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on Ristretto and Curve25519
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Add the ability to convert `[u8; 32]` into a `VerifyingKey` #674

Closed zacknewman closed 1 month ago

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

Currently there is no way to directly convert [u8; 32] into a VerifyingKey. I propose adding a TryFrom<[u8; 32]> implementation and a corresponding from_array function. This would not only add symmetry since one can already convert to an array via VerifyingKey::to_bytes, but it will also allow one to explicitly copy the array instead of the implicit copy that occurs in VerifyingKey::from_bytes.

VerifyingKey::from_bytes can then be re-written to just redirect to this array conversion instead.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

See the existing VerifyingKey::from_bytes method: https://docs.rs/ed25519-dalek/latest/ed25519_dalek/struct.VerifyingKey.html#method.from_bytes

There's also an existing impl of TryFrom<&[u8]>. Since point decompression is fallible anyway, a separate TryFrom<&[u8; 32]> adds little value, especially since [u8; 32] will deref to &[u8].

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

You've misunderstood the request. I'm not suggesting a TryFrom<&[u8; 32]> implementation. I'm suggesting a TryFrom<[u8; 32]> implementation (i.e., converting an array not a slice). Typically in Rust one prefers explicit Clones and "expensive" Copys instead of taking a reference just to clone/copy internally. While 32 bytes is not that expensive, it's more than what I'm used to seeing being implicitly copied/cloned which is what from_bytes does.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

There is no advantage to an owned API over borrowing, only disadvantages. Just borrow the input.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

What disadvantages? There is a reason the standard library doesn't have functions like u128::from_ne_bytes that takes a reference. You're internally needing to own it; thus it makes sense to be explicit with that. You can easily keep the slice conversions, but it's a bizarre API choice unless you can actually provide the "disadvantages". After all, why have two methods that return a slice and array? Why not just have one? Then one can "just borrow the output" or "just dereference the output".

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

32-bytes is significantly larger than a 64-bit pointer, which is the threshold at which borrowing becomes advantageous over a copy.

Regardless, it makes no sense to support both owned and borrowed APIs here. That’s just needless, pointless complexity. Just borrow and use the existing APIs.

It’s not a “bizarre API choice”. It’s idiomatic Rust. What you are suggesting is a “bizarre API choice”.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

So why are you returning32 bytes via to_bytes since it's "significantly larger"? Just return a pointer.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

Because the caller can potentially make use of an owned result. These constructors can’t. They have to do point decoding.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

And 16 bytes is significantly larger than a 64-bit pointer; yet core seems to still take a [u8; 16] and not a reference for functions like u128::from_ne_bytes.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

Internally the function is owning the result that is why it dereferences the reference; so the constructor needs the owned result just like calling code does.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

You’re talking about a value that’s twice the size of a pointer, versus four times. And that’s for consistency with the other methods that are pointer size or smaller.

And they don’t offer both options, they chose the single option that made the most sense for their use case, as have we.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

Then I guess you should remove functions like Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order because it takes the array.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

We’re not going to be making any breaking changes any time soon. There is ample previous discussion of that function’s signature I can link you when I’m not on a phone.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

I'm making a point about the alleged "consistency". VerifyingKey implements From<EdwardsPoint> which internally contains a [u8; 32]; so if one wants to avoid the implicit copy, one has to add a separate dependency to curve25519-dalek in order to have direct access to the contained array in CompressedEdwardsY then manually call decompress just to pass the EdwardsPoint into from.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

It would seem that adding a function that converts an array to a VerifyingKey makes code more consistent and doesn't entail a breaking change.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

See #491, and no it’s not more consistent, Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order is the only API that accepts an owned argument. There is no point to adding duplicate APIs just to save you typing &.

zacknewman commented 1 month ago

Again, From<EdwardsPoint> is implemented by VerifiyingKey; instead of From<&EdwardsPoint> despite you're alleged claim of passing arguments that are four times the size of a 64-bit pointer. So yes, it makes it more consistent.

We could certainly count the number of functions that are defined that take arguments that are 32 bytes or more instead of unsupported claims.

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

This discussion isn’t going anywhere productive. Please review #491.