dalekjs / dalek

[unmaintained] DalekJS Base framework
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Assertion for something not containing something #106

Closed ryanzec closed 10 years ago

ryanzec commented 10 years ago

Right now we can do .to.contain() to for example make sure an element has a certain class in it. I think we also need the same for the opposite to be able to make sure an element does not contain a certain class.

My suggested API for this would be .to.not.contain() falling inline with how Chai does it. I have working code for this locally but just want to verify that the API is good with other people and we don't want something like to.notContain() or something like that before I submit the pull request and merge.

@asciidisco / @rodneyrehm , what you you guys think of the API to.not.contain()?

rodneyrehm commented 10 years ago

if to.not.contain is the chai way of things and other assertions follow suit, I'd vote for that.

ixisio commented 10 years ago


ryanzec commented 10 years ago

Merged with #108